
Please find below:

(1) A formal statement of adoption of the House of Bishops' 'Promoting a Safer Church; safeguarding policy statement', signed on behalf of the PCC

(2) Contact details of the Parish Safeguarding Officer & Churchwardens

(3) Information about where to get help with child and adult safeguarding issues

(4) The Safeguarding Policy of the Parish of St John of Jerusalem, South Hackney

(5) Other useful information

(1) A formal statement of adoption of the House of Bishops' 'Promoting a Safer Church; safeguarding policy statement', signed on behalf of the PCC (for a live link to the document referred to, please see below - underneath the signed formal statement)

For a live link to The Church of England House of Bishops' 'Promoting a Safer Church -

Safeguarding Policy Statement for children, young people and adults' please see here:

(2) Contact details of the St John of Jerusalem PSO and churchwardens:

St John of Jerusalem Parish Safeguarding Officer: Lisa-Raine Hunt -

Churchwarden - William Boateng - 07498 346 573

Churchwarden - Elizabeth Taylor -

(3) Information about where to get help with child and adult safeguarding issues

Police (emergencies)

Police (all non-emergency enquiries)



Hackney Children's Social Care
(Local Council Children's Services/Social Care) Non-emergencies:

Phone First Response Team on 020 8356 5500 (managers are on 5116/5850/2806) • Email a referral to
Fax 020 8356 5516 • Visit Hackney Service Centre, 1 Hillman Street, E8 IDY

Hackney Children's Social Care Emergencies/Out of hours:

Out of hours service (operational every night from 5pm -9am and 24 hours over weekends and ail Public Holidays): • 020 8356 2710 • If there are problems with the Hackney Council telephone system, call 07508 697 883 instead

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

0208 356 4569

Hackney Adult Social Care

Non-emergencies: 0208 356 5782 Emergencies: Referrals to Adults' Emergency Duty Team who respond to adult mental health or care issues should be made on 020 8356 2579 or, if there are telephone system issues, 07984 699 009

Homerton Hospital/Local General Hospital

0208 510 5555


0800 1111

Family Lives (previously Parentline)

0808 800 222


Helpline for adults concerned about a child: 0808 800 5000

Thirtyone:eight (previously Churches Child Protection and Advisory Service)

0303 003 1111

Action on Elder Abuse

080 8808 8141

Domestic Violence Helplines:

For women:

For men:

National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline 0808 2000 247 run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge

Man Kind 01823 334244

Stop It Now! (Lucy Faithfull Foundation)

0808 1000 900 Helpline for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse

Diocese of London Safeguarding Adviser

020 7932 1224

St John of Jerusalem Parish Safeguarding Officer
(c/o Parish Office)

direct email address

020 8985 5145

(4) the Safeguarding Policy of the Parish of St John of Jerusalem, South Hackney

(5) other useful information, please click here: