For a number of years now the parish has supported the work of the Delhi Brotherhood, through prayer and fundraising.
The Delhi Brotherhood Society has its origin in the Cambridge Brotherhood which sent out a small number of English priests to Delhi in 1887 with the aim of promoting higher education.
C.F. Andrews, who was a close associate of Mahatma Ghandi, was a member of the Brotherhood.
The vision of the Society is "to empower people to create their own destiny”. It achieves this through the provision of Education, Health, Skill Training, Community Organization, Communication, Homes or Institutional Care to the underprivileged members of society.
ALMA is the ‘Angola, London and Mozambique Association’ – it brings together the Church of England Diocese of London and the Anglican Dioceses of Mozambique and Angola.
Parish support is focused on prayer and on fundraising through Lent giving and the marking of ALMA Sunday – which is celebrated each year on the Sunday closest to the anniversary of the signing of the first ALMA covenant on 12 July 1998.