There are all sorts of ways in which you can help out at St John of Jerusalem. Our community-life is hugely enriched by the volunteering of a wide range of people. Please let us know if you would like to participate in any way.
Here is a selection of some of things you might like to do:
On a Sunday morning
- Reading
- Leading prayers
- Choir
- Serving at the altar
- Helping with Junior Church (over 7s)
- Helping with the Junior Church (under 7s)
- Stewarding
- Helping with tea & coffee
Other areas of church life
- Standing for election to the Parochial Church Council (PCC)
- Helping out with the ‘Hackney Winter Night Shelter’
- Assisting with parish visiting
- Church opening for an hour on a week-day
- Church opening on a Saturday
- Assisting with church fundraising
- Church cleaning on a Saturday morning
- Gardening in the churchyard
- Flowers in church
- Helping at the Summer or Christmas Church Bazaar
- Running a one-off coffee morning either in your home or in the church
- Helping run a church stall at one of the many local community events
We also try to help people to think about wider issues of vocation and training. God calls each one of us. As a community we aim to help one another discern what answering that call might involve.