For Sat Nav directions, please use the postcode 'E9 7EY'
The parking around the church is currently governed by weekday parking permits on most roads. Please check before you park.
The postal address is:
St John of Jerusalem Church
c/o The Rectory
9 Church Crescent
E9 7DH
To find the church:
St John of Jerusalem Church
Lauriston Road
E9 7EY
Telephone number:
020 8985 5145
The e-mail address is:
For Sat Nav directions, please use the postcode 'E9 7EY'
The parking around the church is currently governed by weekday parking permits on most roads. Please check before you park.
277, 425 - Alight Lauriston Rd/Moulins Rd, Church Cresc
26 - Alight Well St/Holcroft Rd
48, 55, 106, 254 - Alight Mare St/Well St junction
30 - Alight Cassland Rd/Well Street Common
388 - Towards Hackney Wick - alight Well Street/ Holcroft Rd. From Hackney Wick - alight Victoria Park Rd/Lauriston Rd
Hackney Central
London Fields
All stations are within 10-15 minutes walk from the church.
Mile End (then take a 277 or 425 bus to the Moulins Rd stop)
Bethnal Green (then take a 388 bus to the Well Street/ Holcroft Rd stop)